Masterplanning the biggest agricultural showground in Europe

By 21st September 2023Uncategorised

Owen Davies Consulting is excited to announce we’re leading a ground-breaking masterplanning and visioning study for the Royal Welsh Showground. The Royal Welsh is the biggest agricultural show in Europe and its 150 acre showground boasts over 40 buildings and is a permanent place of work for over 30 staff and several agri institutions and organisations.

The masterplan and visioning study on behalf of the Royal Welsh Agricultural Society aims to revitalise and reimagine the Showground, ensuring its continued relevance and success for generations to come. The study has been supported with UK SPF funding and will identify a coordinated range of opportunities, set within the national and rural Wales context, for new investment and development.

New Masterplanning and Visioning Study Unveiled for the Royal Welsh Showground


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